10″, 12″ & 14″ – 150# Flanged Circulation Heaters

Flanged Circulation Heaters feature Incoloy® 840 sheath for the widest coverage of applications and temperatures, NEMA 4 moisture tight enclosure, sediment drain, and 150 lb flanged inlet/outlet on 10″ heaters and above.

Flange Size
Inlet / Outlet
10″ – 150#
12 ½”
3″ – 150# flg.
12″ – 150#
10 ½”
5 ¾”
5″ – 150# flg.
14″ – 150#
13 ½”
11 ½”
5 ¾”
6″ – 150# flg.

Product Inquiry

Heater Features

Incoloy® 840 sheath standard on all items except suction oil heaters-allows for the widest coverage of applications and temperatures, plus gives a margin of safety for unknown corrosives or contaminants.

High purity MgO powder compacted to provide maximum heat conductivity and optimum dielectric strength.

Type ‘A’ 80/20 resistance wire sized to provide lowest wire watt density for maximum life.

Fusion welded junction between pin/resistance wire to provide a 360″ circumferential joint, giving superior strength and life.

Recompacted bends to restore MgO density in bend areas.

Moisture sealed to prevent the entrance of contaminants during storage and service. Silicone end seals on heaters for oil, air and corrosive applications. Epoxy seals for water applications.

NEMA 1 wiring enclosure, NEMA 4 moisture tight enclosure on high capacity and suction heater units.

Element spacer supports on multi-element heaters whose length exceeds 18″.

Thermowell for sensing bulb of thermostat.

UL & CSA Recognition on elements.

Vessel Features

Galvanized pipe on most water heaters, carbon steel pipe on others.

1″ fiberglass insulation on all pipe bodies except where noted.

Painted steel shroud encasing insulation.

Heavy duty mounting lugs on larger units (2″ plugs and UP).

NPT inlet/outlet on sizes up to 8″ flange, flanged inlet/outlet on larger sizes.

Top or side mounted bulb and capillary thermostats standard on sizes through 8″ flange. Solid state controls on high capacity air and gas heaters.

All welded construction hydrostatically pressure tested for leaks. ASME section VIII, Division 1, code stamp “U” vessel available upon request.

Sediment drains standard on all liquid applications.

10″ – 150#

48 Watts per sq. inch – Water & Mild Solutions
Volts 3-Ph. KW Cat. No. A C Wt. (lbs.)
240 480 112 C10H27-112-3 C10H27-112-5 59 52 510
240 480 150 C10H27-150-3 C10H27-150-5 66 58 ½ 540
240 480 180 C10H27-180-3 C10H27-180-5 73 65 ½ 575
240 480 225 C10H27-225-3 C10H27-225-5 86 78 ⅝ 640
240 480 260 C10H27-260-3 C10H27-260-5 93 86 ⅛ 675
240 480 300 C10H27-300-3 C10H27-300-5 101 93 ⅝ 710
22 Watts per sq. inch – Light wt. oils, caustics, air, gases & mild corrosives
Volts 3-Ph. KW Cat. No. A C Wt. (lbs.)
240 480 45 C10M27-45-3 C10M27-45-5 55 47 ½ 485
240 480 60 C10M27-60-3 C10M27-60-5 66 58 ½ 540
240 480 75 C10M27-75-3 C10M27-75-5 73 65 ½ 575
240 480 90 C10M27-90-3 C10M27-90-5 86 78 ⅝ 640
240 480 105 C10M27-105-3 C10M27-105-5 93 86 ⅛ 675
240 480 120 C10M27-120-3 C10M27-120-5 101 93 ⅝ 710
13 Watts per sq. inch – Med. wt. oils, No. 4 & 5 fuel oil, corrosives, air & gases
Volts 3-Ph. KW Cat. No. A C Wt. (lbs.)
240 480 37 C10L27-37-3 C10L27-37-5 66 58 ½ 540
240 480 45 C10L27-45-3 C10L27-45-5 73 65 ½ 575
240 480 56 C10L27-56-3 C10L27-56-5 86 78 ⅝ 640
240 480 65 C10L27-65-3 C10L27-65-5 93 86 ⅛ 675
240 480 75 C10L27-75-3 C10L27-75-5 101 93 ⅝ 710
8 Watts per sq. inch – Heavy oils, #6 & Bunker C fuel oils, corrosive, air & gases
Volts 3-Ph. KW Cat. No. A C Wt. (lbs.)
240 480 20 C10V27-20-3 C10V27-20-5 66 58 ½ 540
240 480 25 C10V27-25-3 C10V27-25-5 73 65 ½ 575
240 480 30 C10V27-30-3 C10V27-30-5 86 78 ⅝ 640
240 480 35 C10V27-35-3 C10V27-35-5 93 86 ⅛ 675
240 480 40 C10V27-40-3 C10V27-40-5 101 93 ⅝ 710

12″ – 150#

48 Watts per sq. inch – Water & Mild Solutions
Volts 3-Ph. KW Cat. No. A C Wt. (lbs.)
240 480 150 C12H36-150-3 C12H36-150-5 59 52 635
240 480 200 C12H36-200-3 C12H36-200-5 66 58 ½ 675
240 480 240 C12H36-240-3 C12H36-240-5 73 65 ½ 715
240 480 300 C12H36-300-3 C12H36-300-5 86 78 ⅝ 795
240 480 350 C12H36-350-3 C12H36-350-5 93 86 ⅛ 845
240 480 400 C12H36-400-3 C12H36-400-5 101 93 ⅝ 895
22 Watts per sq. inch – Light wt. oils, caustics, air, gases & mild corrosives
Volts 3-Ph. KW Cat. No. A C Wt. (lbs.)
240 480 60 C12M36-60-3 C12M36-60-5 55 47 ½ 615
240 480 80 C12M36-80-3 C12M36-80-5 66 58 ½ 675
240 480 100 C12M36-100-3 C12M36-100-5 73 65 ½ 715
240 480 120 C12M36-120-3 C12M36-120-5 86 78 ⅝ 795
240 480 140 C12M36-140-3 C12M36-140-5 93 86 ⅛ 845
240 480 160 C12M36-160-3 C12M36-160-5 101 93 ⅝ 895
13 Watts per sq. inch – Med. wt. oils, No. 4 & 5 fuel oil, corrosives, air & gases
Volts 3-Ph. KW Cat. No. A C Wt. (lbs.)
240 480 50 C12L36-50-3 C12L36-50-5 66 58 ½ 675
240 480 60 C12L36-60-3 C12L36-60-5 73 65 ½ 715
240 480 75 C12L36-75-3 C12L36-75-5 86 78 ⅝ 795
240 480 90 C12L36-90-3 C12L36-90-5 93 86 ⅛ 845
240 480 100 C12L36-100-3 C12L36-100-5 101 93 ⅝ 895
8 Watts per sq. inch – Heavy oils, #6 & Bunker C fuel oils, corrosive, air & gases
Volts 3-Ph. KW Cat. No. A C Wt. (lbs.)
240 480 27 C12V36-27-3 C12V36-27-5 66 58 ½ 675
240 480 34 C12V36-34-3 C12V36-34-5 73 65 ½ 715
240 480 40 C12V36-40-3 C12V36-40-5 86 78 ⅝ 795
240 480 47 C12V36-47-3 C12V36-47-5 93 86 ⅛ 845
240 480 54 C12V36-54-3 C12V36-54-5 101 93 ⅝ 895

14″ – 150#

48 Watts per sq. inch – Water & Mild Solutions
Volts 3-Ph. KW Cat. No. A C Wt. (lbs.)
240 480 188 C14H45-188-3 C14H45-188-5 59 52 780
240 480 250 C14H45-250-3 C14H45-250-5 66 58 ½ 830
240 480 300 C14H45-300-3 C14H45-300-5 73 65 ½ 890
240 480 375 C14H45-375-3 C14H45-375-5 86 78 ⅝ 990
240 480 440 C14H45-440-3 C14H45-440-5 93 86 ⅛ 1045
240 480 500 C14H45-500-3 C14H45-500-5 101 93 ⅝ 1100
22 Watts per sq. inch – Light wt. oils, caustics, air, gases & mild corrosives
Volts 3-Ph. KW Cat. No. A C Wt. (lbs.)
240 480 75 C14M45-75-3 C14M45-75-5 55 47 ½ 765
240 480 100 C14M45-100-3 C14M45-100-5 66 58 ½ 830
240 480 125 C14M45-125-3 C14M45-125-5 73 65 ½ 890
240 480 150 C14M45-150-3 C14M45-150-5 86 78 ⅝ 990
240 480 175 C14M45-175-3 C14M45-175-5 93 86 ⅛ 1045
240 480 200 C14M45-200-3 C14M45-200-5 101 93 ⅝ 1100
13 Watts per sq. inch – Med. wt. oils, No. 4 & 5 fuel oil, corrosives, air & gases
Volts 3-Ph. KW Cat. No. A C Wt. (lbs.)
240 480 63 C14L45-63-3 C14L45-63-5 66 58 ½ 830
240 480 75 C14L45-75-3 C14L45-75-5 73 65 ½ 890
240 480 94 C14L45-94-3 C14L45-94-5 86 78 ⅝ 990
240 480 112 C14L45-112-3 C14L45-112-5 93 86 ⅛ 1045
240 480 125 C14L45-125-3 C14L45-125-5 101 93 ⅝ 1100
8 Watts per sq. inch – Heavy oils, #6 & Bunker C fuel oils, corrosive, air & gases
Volts 3-Ph. KW Cat. No. A C Wt. (lbs.)
240 480 33 C14V45-33-3 C14V45-33-5 66 58 ½ 830
240 480 42 C14V45-42-3 C14V45-42-5 73 65 ½ 890
240 480 50 C14V45-50-3 C14V45-50-5 86 78 ⅝ 990
240 480 58 C14V45-58-3 C14V45-58-5 93 86 ⅛ 1045
240 480 67 C14V45-67-3 C14V45-67-5 101 93 ⅝ 1100


Closed Tank Heating

Watt Density

Percentage of Wattage

Looking for a
heating solution?

Discuss your project in detail with one of our Application Engineers and they will provide a heating solution perfectly suited to the needs of your application, as well as your budget. Contact us today!

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